Yoga For OlderFantastic Treatments


AQUA started as an ambitious idea to promoting the economy and foot traffic inup-and-coming neighborhoods. As the business flourish our efforts has been successfully supported by the samecommunity we love, and it has been a wonderful journey as we strive to provide the highest levelof service to our supporters.
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Blooming in the in the harsh conditions of rocky hills, Lilac flowers are beautiful and fragrant; a perfect symbol forNew York dwellers who faces and overcomes challenges everyday.

Bernd Solbach


Heilpraktiker seit 2010, geb. 1973, verheiratet, Vater von 2 Kindern Inhaber der Naturheilpraxis Solbach

Ausbildung in …
Labor ganzheitlich (Basis-Aufbau-und Spezial-Seminar)
Familienstellen (5-jährige Moderatoren-Ausbildung)
TCM (Traditionelle chinesische Medizin)
Ernährungsberatung gemäß Sanguinum®-Konzept
Infusionstherapien, Homöopathie, Arbeit mit dem Biotensor sowie verschiedene Energetische Verfahren

Bernd Solbach Heilpraktiker
Maria Solbach


Heilpraktikerin seit 1998, geb. 1950, 4 Söhne
Gründerin der Naturheilpraxis Solbach

Ausbildung in …
Akupunktur, Dorn-Breuß-Therapie, Homöopathie, NLP (Neurolinguistisches Programmieren), Arbeit mit dem Biotensor
Weitere Fachfortbildungen in verschiedenen naturheilkundlichen Therapien wie Ausleitungsverfahren und Verfahren zur Regeneration nach Krankheiten

Mein Ziel ist es …
Sie als ganzen Menschen zu sehen und auch in schwierigen Lebensphasen zu stärken und zu stützen. Ich freue mich auf Sie.

Maria Solbach Heilpraktikerin
Michael Solbach

Heilpraktiker und Osteopathie

Heilpraktiker seit 1997

  • 6 jährige Ausbildung in Osteopathie für Kinder und Erwachsene
  • Mitglied im Verband der Osteopathen Deutschland (VOD) –Voraussetzung für die Bezuschussung der Osteopathie von nahezu 100 gesetzlichen Krankenkassen
  • Fortbildungen in Chiropraktik
  • Ausbildung in Craniosacraler Therapie
  • Ausbildung in Akupunktur und zahlreichen weiteren energetischen Verfahren
Michael Solbach Heilpraktiker Osteopathie


  • Full Body Massage (55 mins)
  • Add on: Deep Tissue Massage (per area)
  • Hot Stone Massage (55 mins)
  • Maternity Massage (55 mins)
  • Delux Seated Massage (20 mins)
  • Regular Seated Massage (10 mins)
  • Body Polish (1 hr)
  • Sea Mud Wrap (1 hr)
  • The Ultimate Body Treatment (1hr 50 mins)
  • Full Body Massage (55 mins)


  • Full Body Massage (55 mins)
  • Add on: Deep Tissue Massage (per area)
  • Hot Stone Massage (55 mins)
  • Maternity Massage (55 mins)
  • Delux Seated Massage (20 mins)
  • Regular Seated Massage (10 mins)
  • Body Polish (1 hr)
  • Sea Mud Wrap (1 hr)
  • The Ultimate Body Treatment (1hr 50 mins)
  • Full Body Massage (55 mins)


  • Full Body Massage (55 mins)
  • Add on: Deep Tissue Massage (per area)
  • Hot Stone Massage (55 mins)
  • Maternity Massage (55 mins)
  • Delux Seated Massage (20 mins)
  • Regular Seated Massage (10 mins)
  • Body Polish (1 hr)
  • Sea Mud Wrap (1 hr)
  • The Ultimate Body Treatment (1hr 50 mins)
  • Full Body Massage (55 mins)


  • Created from natural herbs – Ginseng roots extract
  • 100% safe for your skin
  • Quality product from SpaLabs
  • Special gifts & offers for you
  • Created by Medical Professionals of AQUA Spa


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  • Aqua Spa is a wonderfully relaxing, unpretentious haven in the heart of the city. The staff is friendly, attentive and knowledgeable, offering a complete list of services and expertise. Amrit’s facials in particular are a special treat. I’ve been going to Aqua regularly for five years, and have never wanted to go anywhere else.

    Jesseca Awust

  • I highly recommend Spa for its excellent service, as well as its courteous, knowledgeable and friendly staff.

    Patrick Roger

  • Aqua Spa is a wonderfully relaxing, unpretentious haven in the heart of the city. The staff is friendly, attentive and knowledgeable, offering a complete list of services and expertise. Amrit’s facials in particular are a special treat. I’ve been going to Aqua regularly for five years, and have never wanted to go anywhere else.

    Marry Rose

  • I highly recommend Spa for its excellent service, as well as its courteous, knowledgeable and friendly staff.

    Scalet Thomeson


Please book in advance to get the best service from us. We wishing you a great day.

Opentime:      8:00am -11:30am  /  2:00pm-5:30pm  /  7:00pm-10:00pm